


There are a million reasons to love living in 圣安东尼奥, but the water isn’t one of them. 用不了多久你就会意识到硬水给你的家带来的损失. From pesky limescale build-up to the wear and tear on your clothes and 菜, 这可能是一场令人沮丧的战斗.

Hard water is not unique to 圣安东尼奥; a large part of the country suffers from hard water. 但圣安东尼奥的水异常坚硬. 这座城市的大部分水源来自爱德华兹含水层. 这是一个极好的水源, massive enough to cover multiple counties while supplying over two million people with water. But the downside to this impressive underground formation is that its limestone deposits infiltrate the water. The aquifer is to blame for the high mineral content in the local water supply. While it’s not dangerous, those pesky minerals can be hard on your home.


圣安东尼奥当地人对硬水的困境再熟悉不过了. They have learned the necessary tips and tricks to cope with the frustration it causes. 每一个硬水问题都有解决办法. 你只需要积极主动. 在圣安东尼奥,硬水过滤系统是现成的. There are also simple things you can do to keep water spots and limescale under control.

If you don’t already have a plan in place to deal with hard water, the time to start is now. 你可以防止损坏你的管道, 固定装置, 菜, 通过一些简单而实用的步骤. 你可以从今天开始与硬水作斗争.


请专家帮忙: 第一步总是叫来一辆圣安东尼奥 软水器服务 评估你的水质. Due to the severity of the hard water, you need someone who understands the depth of our water woes. Someone with specific expertise in 圣安东尼奥’s unique water situation can tell you exactly what your home needs. 总之,你可以构建一个适合你预算的解决方案. 你的计划中可能没有为水过滤付费, but it’s nothing compared to the cost of letting hard water continue to move freely through 你的管道 and 固定装置.

整个家庭水过滤和软化剂: The most thorough solution is to install a water filtration and softener system in your home. Water filtration uses technology to remove the minerals from your water that cause limescale and hard water stains. An expert can assess your home and family size to identify the perfect system for your situation.

有几个选项可用. You can purchase and install 软水器s, filtration systems, or reverse osmosis. Each of these systems can be purchased individually or used in tandem to deliver fresh, 干净的水直接进入你的水龙头.

淋浴喷头过滤器: 硬水会使皮肤和头发干燥. 如果你的皮肤干燥或头发易碎, 你可以买一个专门的淋浴头来过滤你的水. 通过在水中的矿物质进入你的身体之前将其去除, 你可以避免大量的头发和皮肤问题.

醋: One of the greatest tools you can use to eliminate hard water stains already lives in your pantry. 便宜又容易找到,醋能有效地防止水垢积聚. Vinegar is effective enough to tackle most hard water situations and has a variety of uses. You can purchase a more abrasive cleaner for stubborn build-up, but vinegar is usually sufficient. Vinegar has a million uses to help you eliminate the evidence of hard water.

• Mix vinegar and dish soap in a spray bottle to clean your glass shower doors.

• Wipe down your 固定装置 in vinegar to eliminate pesky white water spots.

• Soak your 菜 in warm water and vinegar for a few minutes before you clean them.

洗碗机增强剂: 盘子会受到硬水的冲击. The microscopic elements that make your water hard can actually etch your 菜, 造成永久性损害. 让你的盘子保持完好, add a dish detergent booster or a splash of vinegar to your dishwasher before each load. 这将有助于在矿物质造成损害之前分解它们.

频繁的水质测试: 水的硬度会波动. Regular water testing will ensure that all of your systems are operating correctly. If your tests are coming back high, check the salt levels in your 软水器 system. 如果你有足够的盐, it might be time to call your water experts to identify why unwanted minerals are surviving the trip to your tap.

硬水不一定会毁了你的家. 适当的预防, 你的管道, 固定装置, and tiles can last many years without displaying the evidence of the limescale that plagues 圣安东尼奥.


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